Young Hollywood Hall of Fame ~Welcome!

The Young Hollywood Hall of Fame is a history of the GREATEST ALL-TIME YOUNG ENTERTAINERS of each era beginning from 1908 to 2020. The Hall of Fame pays tribute to the biggest young stars in motion pictures, television, recording and radio. Each year the top young stars between an average age range of 5-21 years old are inducted into the Hall of Fame.
It has taken numerous books, magazines, and years of research to piece together what little information could be found on young entertainers of the early years and in the silent film era. Most of these young entertainers at one time were as big of stars as their adult counter parts... yet many of them have been long forgotten & their presence in Hollywood's history is practically obsolete.
The Young Hollywood Hall of Fame hopes to forever preserve the legacy of young entertainers of the past, present & future as part of Hollywood's History.